LoveCry Is 100% volunteer and many people, over the years have dontated their Time, Good, Money and Services to getting LoveCry
off the ground.
For all you have given we wish to send you our deepest thannks.
The people and companies below have dontated time, deeds, money, goods and love to LoveCry.
Private and Corporate Doners:
Angel Femia-Richmond
Victor Fletcher
The Toronto Street News
Richie VanDenKeroff
Jeremy McDowell
Heather Markle
Shaun McGorman
Rebecca Rochon
Erica Kelly
Andreas Palmer
Shaun Winters
Shannon Pass
Catharine Toth
Jamie Tollar
Alberto Shampoo Company
Jim Vella and Saint Judes Project
The Native Men's Residence
Lisa and Jacob Aharon
Azriel and Galite Menahem
Peter Mandell
Peter Wood
Doug and Anna MacLellan
Chistine and David Wiesman
Tisa Katts
Ron Baldwin
Rob Brown
Victor Flecher
The Chum Christmas Wish Foundation
Minute Maid Ddrinks
Cambell's Soup
Ponds Lever Company
Artistic Ideas Inc.
Vision Television
CBC (Fifth Estate)
Othelia Wangner
Don Mills Collegate
Jim McMyn
Elspeth Hogg
Cecile and Cynthia Carsley
Janet and Fredericke Martin
Dr.WJ and Ellen McIlroy
Robert Gouinlock
Mary C. Kent
Sheila Shotton
Barbara and James Cowan
mary Louise Clements
Ann L. McVittie
Julie D. Gray
Charles and Susan Cowan
Chris and Betty Wansborough
Sonja D. Bird
Jane G. Morris
Jone Hilborne
Wendy Wood Flyn
R.M. MacIntosh
Mary B. Richardson
D.G Armstrong
Janice G. MacInnis
Margaret Meynell
Cathie Leak
Margaret Paterson
Dave and Chris Ross
Richard and Joan Sandler
Thomas Scoon
S. Helgesun
Jody Stockfish
Stewart Cowan
Stones Place
Michelina DiCarlo
Angelica Wong
I. B. M.
Embridge Gas
Anthony Di Pasquale
Anne Tasgarakis
FROM 1992 TO 2005
Angel Femia-Richmond
Shannon Pass
Andreas Palmer
Chistine Femia
Rebecca Rochon
Jeremy MacDowell - Thunder
Shawn McGorman
Shawn Gozekie
Amy Corrigan
Steve Wakeman - Blade
Heather Markel
Richard van den Kerkhof
Alicia Brazier - Munchie
James Potter - Pitt
Allie Potter
Judy Gulis
Jane MacPherson
Michelle Callaland
Catharine Toth
Jamie Taller
Jen McDermitt
Erica Kelly
Tabatha Mayburry
Kenneth down
Simon Murphy
Roxie Carie
James Down
Douglas Delowie
Please donte and help LoveCry help these kids and Stop Abuse.
Tax receipts are available for large donations of goods.
All donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.
LoveCry's Registered Charitable Business Tax
# 8925236365RR0001
Send Donations to:
LoveCry The Street Kids Org.,
93 Broadview Ave.,
Toronto, Ontario,
M4M 2E4
Deposit right into our
Royal Bank Account
# 100 662 6
Lee and Queen Streets
Toronto, Ontario.
# 1006626
Blessings Angel
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Reg'd Charity # 892528365RR0001
Since 1992, Our Nonprofit Agency