The Healing Circle is important because our entire Universe runs on circles. All of Nature lives in circles and our lives
are driven in circular motion.
What is a Healing Circle?
What is casting a circle?
Why do we cast Healing Circles?
The circle defines the ritual area, which we consider as special or sacred space for prayer, meditation and healing.
It is a form of protection which guards against unwanted or negative energies and defects them back in order for unconditional
love and healing to be present.
The circle is formed with our personal power {soul power} which is determined on how honest we are and how evenly flowing
our love has become.
We create the environment within our circle through visualization and by tapping into our inner self.
As the energy within our circle becomes stronger, we will "feel" the "charger serge of energy" within our circle.
When casting our circle together we chant these words:
I cast this circle
as in days of old,
Protecting the ancient ones,
as their secrets unfold.
Whether our circle has a physical boundary formed {usually hand drawn and painted or from objects such as stones, coins, and
candles}, or whether it is a boundary of imaginary or visualized thought, it is the most sacred space we will enter and must
be treated as such.
First walk the circle three times clockwise, envisioning mist or light or visualize four balls {North, South, East, and West},
of light descending from the universe joining to one in the center of our circle.
When the work we were doing in our circle is completed, simply shut off the energy by shaking your hand or simply visualize
pulling the energy back into yourself.
Once the circle is cast, we are ready to call for assistance and protection from the Deities of our choice of belief, we simply
as them to present themselves and work with us.
{Before using the universe please so some research and get to know the energy you will be using. If you are using any special
deities take some time to learn about their energy, properties and correspondences.
There are many different Diaries, Energies and Beings that can be called, summoned, or stirred to protect the circle and witness
our ritual - from watchtowers, angels, faeries, to deities.
Now we envision an opening of some kind and visualize the Deity, Energy or Being that will be entering through that space
to guard the circle.
Then chant these words;
To the East, I summon the forces of Air
Protecting my circle, as it blows away my worries and cares.
To the South, I summon the forces of Fire
it stirs my embers to learn, and rekindles my desires.
To the West, I summon the forces of Water
To cleanse and protect my soul, as it washes away all my malice.
To the North, I summon the forces of Earth
for it brings growth and fertility, and a time of rebirth.
The New Moon is a time for new beginnings; you'll notice that the quarter calls may reflect the type of magick that will be
conducted inside the circle.
Upon finishing your ritual, release the circle exactly opposite of the way you cast it.
Pull the circle back into your athame or totem, release and thank any spirits, deities or elements called.
Chant these to thank them;
To the sacred spirits of young and old, all the powers of the deities and quarters my blessings upon you I now bestow. May
you always return, when I summon the call as you guard and protect my circle, which I appreciate, most of all.
I thank you for my achievements,
and all I will receive,
Merry part until we meet again,
For I am with you, as you are with me.
There are many different way to cast a circle and this is only one. Most of us, in time learn to change and create our own
style and casting ceremonies.