A physical initiation isn't necessary to practice Wicca, it is a ritual statemnt of one's allegiance to the Craft. The initiate
can, from that day forward, clearly claim that they're Wiccan for they have memories of a specific date the ceremonially began
this kinship. This is important for some, for others, it's of little or no importance.
You have the right to perform a self-initiation. No one can take this right from you. If you've worked Wiccan ritual, met
with the Goddess and God, have grown comfortable with Wicca, and have decided that it's your path, there's no reason why
you shouldn't undergo a self-initiation.
Before self-initiation, consider whether you've gained enough Wiccan experience to enter Wicca. Wiccan ritual experience
is essential (reading books doesn't count) before self-initiating yourself. A self-initiation rite performed by a person
after, say, a year of study and ritual will be a rich and spiritually significant event, simply because the rite was preceded
by the experience that makes it genuine. In other words, one can't become Wiccan (even a Solitary one) overnight. This
period of self-training and experience is absolutely vital.
Self-initiation is largely what you make it, but the the most satisfying results, every such ritual should include the following
steps (this is the barest ritual outline -