by Baba Hari Dass
The Law of Karma is both scientific and logical.
Sir Isaac Newton, in 1665, at the age
of twenty-three, formulated three
laws of motion. One of these laws
was that for every action there is an
equal and opposite reaction. This
is usually applied to the interaction
of physical forces and objects.
However, the same action-reaction
principle applies to the forces
of emotion and thought.
The Law of Karma is the spiritual
form of the physical Law of Cause
and Effect. Every action creates
and equal and opposite reaction.
The Law of Karma helps us understand
the effect of our actions. This process
helps the Soul to mature, awaken
and remember. The laws purpose is
to teach love and to uplift, not to punish.
Karma applies itself in the most
exacting and clever of ways. If we
deprived another being of freedom in
a previous life, we would probably have
our freedom curtailed in this life.
This experience would give us time
to reconsider our views and
learn the Law of Love.
Once we accept the Law of Karma in
our lives, we are liberated from
being the victim. We begin to see
underlying spiritual causes and
act accordingly. Problems become
opportunities for spiritual growth.
Karma differs from fate or destiny
because it encourages us to take
an active role in life.
The Soul is always moving forward.
It is never punished. It must obey
the Law of Karma and will eventually
learn from its experience. Karma
follows us throughout our different
lifetimes. The Law of Karma is perfect
justice. This is reassuring in a world
that can appear to be unjust. One
way to clear Karma is to show compassion
and kindness to all, regardless
of their position on the
spiritual ladder. We are all
on a spiritual journey together.
Our suffering is not always related
to our past actions to another.
There are many subtle processes
at work. If you experienced fear
and persecution in a past life,
you may still carry these feelings
in your psychic memory. You may
experience unwarranted fear and
anxiety in your current life.
These fears may persist until
you remember the eternal
nature of the Soul.
The Law of Karma teaches us to be
responsible. Our current lives seem
illogical if we view only one
life at a time. In a single life
we suffer or are blessed for no
apparent reason. God seems to be
arbitrary and random. The
principle of spiritual responsibility
makes more sense as we accept
the principles of karma and reincarnation.
Reincarnation teaches that we are
born again and again until we learn
the spiritual lessons of life.
The Law of Karma ensures that we
link our behavior with its inevitable
results. We reap in one life
what we have sown in another.
If we impede the development of
another being, we will incur a
karmic dept. By our actions, it's
clear we haven't yet learned the
Law of Love. The debt will have
to be paid, and a lesson will
have to be learned. The suffering,
which may follow, is not the act of
a vengeful God. We are just reaping
what we have sown. The Soul develops
its highest spiritual potential
through experiences.