
We know very little about our
Brain. We are learning daily and to some it is very scary due to mass media misrepresenting our Psychic Abilities. As
people we have a responsability to This Universe, The World and Each Other to Learn, Understand and Use Properly this major
gift given to us with life:
Psychic Development
People frequently
ask how they can "become psychic" or develop what psychic abilities they have. Here's the good news: we are ALL already psychic!
Some of us are more naturally developed, but each of us can work on developing our psychic abilities further. First here's
a brief explanation of the types of psychic ability:
Clairvoyance (clear-seeing) - having "visions", seeing images
(still or moving) on the inner screen of the mind (eyes can be open or closed). Also includes seeing auras, apparitions, angels,
etc. In other words, seeing beyond the physical. The area of the body that receives the psychic impressions for this sense
is located in the center of the forehead (the Third Eye).
Claircognizance (clear-knowing) - having knowledge of certain
situations/people/places without having any information to facilitate such knowing. This can be things of the past, present
or future (premonitions). A common statement from people who are strong in this ability is, "I don't know how I know, I just
know." The location for this sense is on the top of the head (the Crown chakra).
Clairaudience (clear-hearing) - hearing
voices, music and other sounds that do not have a physical source. This can include hearing voices of those on the "other
side" (deceased people), our guardian angels or spirit guides, our higher selves, or God/dess. This can also include hearing
voices/music/sounds that are actually echoes of the past - this happens alot in haunted buildings). The locations for this
sense are on each side of the head, just above the ears.
Clairsentience (clear-feeling or clear-sensing) - "feeling"
things about people or situations that we otherwise could not know. People who are strong in this ability often talk about
having "gut feelings" about things, and are usually very sensitive to energies and emotions of other people. Negative energies
can often cause a wrenching or queasy feeling in the abdominal area. This sense can also warn of problematic upcomings or
situations (having a "bad" feeling about something). This sense is located in the solar plexus.
Developing These Abilities You
have probably already recognized one or two of these trailts within yourself. Most people are strong
in one or two of these senses, and not so strong in the rest. While you can learn to develop all of these senses, most commonly
you'll end up relying on the one or two you are naturally strongest in. Very often, people
say that they don't seem to have mastered these abilities, it just happens "when it wants to".
By working on developing these skills, we make it easier to use them on demand.
Below are some exercises to help you
develop your own psychic abilities.
"Before beginning, sit on a comfortable chair or down pillow in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed,
make sure that if you have one of those watches with an alarm for example, that you turn it off;
and do some slow, deep breathing until you are in a calm, relaxed state." Visualize soothing
white light encasing you, infusing you with peace and calm, surrounding you with powerful protection. Empty your mind of all
worries and let the white light erase all tension from your body. When you have reached a state of inner calm and relaxation,
you are ready to begin. (Note: while working with these areas, you may experience certain sensations such as tingling, warmth,
or coolness. This is normal, and it's okay as long as it isn't causing you any discomfort. If you feel any tightness or strain,
you are focusing too hard. Try to relax your focus a bit.)
Clairvoyance - When just beginning to work on developing
your clairvoyance, I suggest that you do the exercises with your eyes closed. This will reduce distractions. Once you become
more familiar with the third eye, you'll discover that you can access it easily whether your eyes are open or closed. To begin,
close your eyes and see the "inner screen" of your mind. Do you see anything? Sometimes you'll see moving lights or shapes
in the blackness, other times you may not. Stay like this for a moment, paying attention to anything you see. Now shift your
focus slightly up, toward the center of your forehead (eyes still closed). Visualize this area of your forehead "opening",
like an expanding circle. You are now accessing the third eye center. Don't force it or strain too hard, you'll only end up
giving yourself a headache! Just sit quietly, focusing on this area of your inner vision, and notice if you see anything.
Don't be discouraged if you don't right away. With frequent practice, you will develop. If you are already fairly well developed
in clairvoyance, you may see faces, shapes or images without having to wait too long.
Once you begin to develop, you
might want to try remote viewing. Sit quietly and visualize a place other than where you are. You might try visualizing your
parents' home, your place of work, or even another room of your house. Shift your focus upward to the third eye area and see
if you pick up anything that may be happening in that other place. Make a note of what you