
Horrors Of Sexual Abuse
Some of The Horrors of Sexual Seduction!"
Have you ever met a person, that upon meeting you had absolutely no interest in them
at all, or had someone who's sexual prefferance is not the same as yours, yet you were so drawn to this person and could not find any logical or emotional reason for this desperate desire that was strengthening with every passing moment, until you truly believed you were in love with them? Then you became so desperate that you found yourself doing, saying, and acting like a complete and total stranger to yourself, even to the point of changing sexual prefferances?

I have, many times. After many broken hearts and hours of analizing myself, I figured out that these people were playing a sexual seduction head game on me. Now I could finally undrestand how and what these people did to get me to react towards them in the manner in witch they wanted me to. This Sexual Seduction Game is in fact a form of Mind Control when used in the wrong place. In other words, If I were committed to someone I could completly trust with my emotions and life the game will hold the relationship together, but used on someone for any other reason it is Mind Control.

We all know people who believe that every female or {in the second case} male falls in love with them. These people have many others making harassing phone calls, stalking, leaving desperate messages everywhere, and desperately chasing after them at all times.

Since this person's physical looks or sexual preferance, dosen't promote such a reaction at all neither does their personality, this person can never explain why all these people are continually reacting to them in this fashion.


This person or people in question are playing major sexual seduction games on others in order to boost their ego, or get something they could not have ever gotten without the game bein played, such as getting someone to change their sexual prefferance. It makes them fell wanted, adored, needed, and desired. They truly believe they are irresistible as long as their victims keep chasing after them.

Any person that has this type of headspace is imagining falling in love, having sex acts {in detail} running through their day dreams about their victims. They have even better results if they dream of haveing sexual encounters with their victims at the same time they are masterbating.

Look deeper now. You begin to get turned on every time you think of them. Sometimes to the point of creating feelings you have never experienced before and want to experience forever. So beautiful at times that your reaction is to leave your home, mate, children and self to be with this person only.

1. If this person or persons are seducing you only to build their ego, when you inform them of how deeply you are drawn to them they give you a very solid reason why they are unattainable. No matter how you explain your feelings they pretend to sympathize and continue rejecting you. Your heart crushes. You then deal with this, cry it all out, let it go, begin to feel like yourself once again, then it happens again. You begin to chase and they reject you, over and over. Sometimes to the point of suicidal thoughts, or even suicide.

2. If this person or persons want to actually be with you, they will begin to completly dominate your life and you will be pulled into their illusion for however long it takes you to figure out what has happened or a horrid sinerio {emotional brake down} is created to end the relationship

"Your Not Alone!"

More then half the suicides on this planet are caused directly by these types of head games. Many very prominent people such as:
1. Janice Joplin, {the Queen f Rock}, took heavy drugs and drank herself to death
2. aAtor Michael Douglas,
3. President Bill Clinton
and many more, have experienced these games.

If someone is playing these games on you get as far away from them as you possible can and brake the hold they have on you. Beware, as this can happen to anyone, anywhere, any time you are in a venerable period of your life.

More information on these seduction games and other head games can be found on LoveCry's web sight. The link to this information is on, it is located on the bottom right corner links.

May the force of love protect you from this heinous sickness.

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